Exterior Foundation Drains
waterproof your basement best!
This house in Milburn, New Jersey is located at the base of Essex County's South Mountain Reservation. This highly sought after town offers great schools and a direct line to Manhattan, but also an undesirable amount of ground water due to the Reservation nearby. This particular home is positioned lower than the street, and substantially lower than the mountain behind it. Larger rainstorms would release a torrential amount of water from the mountain slopes and direct it towards the house and basement. Seeping water from the rear and front yards would frequently build up in the front and back lawn areas, portions of the driveway, and of course, in the lower level.
At the time of a major home renovation, our company was called upon to design and install a comprehensive drainage solution that would eliminate water in the basement, driveway, and saturated lawn areas. Our system was designed to discharge the seeping water away from the house by gravity through a detention area and then to a nearby stream. It incorporated a network of exterior French drains in the lawn, a complete foundation drain, and surface drains. The photo below is looking up to the road from the driveway and shows a large concrete wall that was removed as part of the renovation to the house. Because the wall had been so high and the original driveway so narrow, this wall was removed to widen the driveway.
Our hydraulic concrete breakers are used to break up the wall and remove the concrete on the property, while our track equipment is used to widen the existing driveway and dig the new footings for the wall.
When it comes to your home's foundation drainage, use a company that specializes in exterior drainage design and installation and you will certainly be satisfied with the function of your final product!
Above, an exterior patio is removed for the installation of the home's exterior foundation drain system. This home's system is designed to operate solely by gravity without the need for a indoor sump pump or electricity. An exterior foundation drain is simply the most reliable method to resolve basement moisture problems over the life of the structure. It does cost more than an indoor french drain, and is more difficult to design and install, but it has many added benefits over the inferior alternative. Among them are that it operates without pumps or electricity, it can provide additional fuel savings through insulation, will reduce moisture and soil gases in your home, and it will prevent water from seeping through your home's foundation as is the case with an interior style solution. Our exterior waterproofing solutions are designed specifically for each property depending on the site conditions that are present. Frequently, homes that have groundwater problems often have saturated yards as a concern also. An additional benefit to an exterior solution is that excavation performed for the foundation drain can be combined with minimal excavation for the installation of yard drains to greatly reduce the soggy and saturated lawn areas. This is a tremendous benefit to the homeowner as the exterior of the property drains continuously by gravity in the same manner as the basement does.
Our all inclusive system carries away the unwanted water while also draining the saturated portions of the lawn areas. Gravity is your friend in a design such as this since water will always travel away from your home instead of into it. Water will always find a lower path away from your home.
Engineered design
How do I know if my disposal system is sized properly?

Water runoff and Drainage Design
Our drainage systems are designed with all affected properties in mind and will always minimize the amount of net runoff where possible to ensure that neighboring properties are not adversely affected. Failure to take runoff calculations into consideration can often result in costs far in excess of the original work by a contractor who did not fully understand the scope of the problem or of its proper solution. Our goals are to help property owners resolve their water issues without causing a problem for neighboring properties (or for our client down the road as a result). A little extra time spent on an effective design and installation will certainly cost less in the long run than an inferior system that either does not work as intended or that causes more problems than it has resolved. Our company will always try to work with all interested parties in an effort to amicably solve a drainage related problem to their satisfaction. Ground Water Exposed------- full story...
Bobcats for hire is prepared to plan the needed improvements to your property for a long lasting and cost effective solution which will not affect your neighbor's property. Our areas of involvement also include Professional design, excavating, grading, drainage improvements, dry well installations, and landscaping for the long term enjoyment of your property. Call today for that professional look to your home or business. You will save by hiring a reputable company that is equipped to handle the unique needs of your project!